
Entering the Catacombs (Dec 14-17)

4 min readDec 22, 2022

As Felsted huddled with Mala, sheltering in the Turret Tower from the snowstorm that descended on Monikadia, his children — as he called his physical thoughts — made their way through the citadel.

The Citadel was surrounded by large stone columns that held up several peripheral arched floors which, in turn, held up the inner and outer domes.

The floor of the Citadel was raised be a series of giant stone blocks covered with ornate marble.

The sides of the raised floor were inset with marble friezes, as were the base stones of the sacred pyramids of Callydiania at the furthest boundaries of the Western deserts.

Felsted’s peregrinated thoughts saw the priests call upon these giant stone blocks to open at a certain point. The thoughts blended into shadows of stone under the Metrosynic lights.

[Note: Metrosynic lights were invented by dwarves from the third age who lived mainly underground in what is now called the ‘Dead City’. The dwarves of that ‘enlightened age’ found that intense darkness had its own self-generating form of power. The wise King Palrigodese Sagemac brought the wisest of his court together and ordered that the best artisans and most gifted mathematician’s combine their respective talents to improve the life of all Dwarves. The King called this The Guild of Mat-gicians




Local poet/writer. ‘There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.’ E. Hemingway. All ©️DMM